Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mambo Jambo

3rd entry..


Been quiet a while since I’ve last updated my blogJ

Told u dat a great blogs equals to loads of picture rite..aha!

It was my bff besday yesterday, Mr. N aka normanshahrie.. Its been a privileged being his bffJ

He’s fun, he’s cute, he’s full of stupid jokes and never fails to be there when I need him the mostJ

As such, he’s a lil brother dat I owez dream of having (not that I can ask mommy to produce one now can I).


Last weekend was very hectic for me, I was attending my sister kenduri arwah for my late bro in law. So really2 busy with the preparation.

Got few bunches of future wadi and imam muda for the recital of the doa and yassin.. and the funny thing is when I passed them by, one of the imam muda said ‘subhanallah n tersengih2 like kerang busuk’.. n I was looking at my blouse and tudung.. who knows it shows my cleavage but alhamdulilah everything is in order..hemm I wonder wat they meant by thatJ

Anyway, we spent a lot of family time laughing, making jokes and urgh the sacred question among the aunties ‘when are u getting married?’.. yeap..

Its not an easy question and I have to think real hard on how to answer them..hemmm…

And I came up with this so called brilliant answer ‘belum ada jodoh’..

That should shut them down for a while..

My workloads are expanding and increasing each passing minutes.. have tons of letter to update and reports to submit and emailsJ

Really had a great fun with my beloved nieces and nephews..Y we all love the same thing and am really proud of my young niece aka c TutyJ

She’s realy smart, cute funny jovial and smartJ

She scored really well in her uni and I really pray that she can be mire successful than me in the future..

Oh ya, I know this mite get cheesy but y’day I met up with Mr.B at the airport. I think its about time I confess with my beautiful sister that I’m with him again.

U mite b wondering what’s with the phrase again doing in my blog rite? Yerp, he is well used to b my bf ex bf now bf again n hopefully leads to insyallah hubby to be..

Am tired of drama! Well that should go to another entry riteJ

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Missing Gaya Street

It's been raining quiet heavily for the past two hours..perfected with Mr. Thunder and Ms. Storm.
Usually my lovely sunday is full with lotsa fun activities of which include a stroll in the Gaya Street, or a jog somewhere in Bkt Padang and hang out wif frens..
I love Gaya Street Sunday Market very much, i know a lotsa peep out there would wonder y on earth shud i trouble myself to spend a glorious morning under d sun wif over crowded ppl?
Well, just look at the things of wic is being offered by Gaya Street..
They have:
  1. Pretty cheap clothes and hijab
  2. variation of foods common and rare (i love that the most)
  3. super cheap importeD magazine
  4. super cute animals (parsian cats and cute dogs..not 2 mention my worst enemy i.e. Mr.Hamster and Mrs. Rat)..
  5. Lovely People
  6. Free Music
In short I just L-O-V-E Gaya Street Sunday Market..and if u are lucky..there mite b a street performance as i've failed to upload the picture in my post.Grrrrr.. (wats wif the application anyway). In short, there are soo many interesting insight which local people refused to see and yet we let other 'foreigner' BRAGS about it in FB or sumtin...

In short, I just been missing my glorious sunday stroll at Gaya Street and here i am whining about it!hehe..

Will update again later..hopefully with a better idea on my next entry..n picture..

Friday, June 11, 2010



Bulika ada blog suka duka diri sendiri jak..


Next month sure banyak duit kena pakai since dady mommy akan pigi miri tu aku pown terheret skali la kan ..

Lepas tu incentiP pown tak masuk2 keja aku berlambak2 dah segunung Kinabalu Mountain ..adedeh

Isy kenapa la sejak dua menjak nie byk sgt peristiwa yg menggeramkan aku..

Mmg amat menduga kesabaran aku sbg umat Allah..especially time2 hormon yg tidak stabil ini..

Aku sbnrnya dah lama simpan hati hajat mimpi nak buka blog kunun mau mencurahkan perasaann..

Ececeh.. tapi time tu emosi aku betul2 tak stabil dek kerana putus cinta..

So hemm nanti entry everyday pasal ex aku n ex aku n ex aku kang teda sepa pown mauk baca blog aku tu kan..

Sedang mencari ilham macamana mau stat blog sendiri n keja teda lain meyekodeng blog org lain yg goges2 n siap masuk dalam majalah lagi wa cakap lu..

Tiba2 perut aku merasa sungguh lapar..


Kalo aku mau ada blog aku mestilah ada camera yg canggih kan meskipown handphone aku ala2 c batu gosok..

Bukan ala2 mmg batu gosok nie, ibarat kata pepatah Mr. B (bf aku) ‘tolonggg la jugak ganti hp by nie syg..tahun bila la tu’..

Cess.. bukan setakat bf, dady abang kakak n anak buah and kawan2 aku pown dah jenuh kutuk hp aku..

Amboi2, w/pun hp aku yg tak secanggih hp mereka aka c cik iphone and encik satio tapi hp aku pakai bill tahu!!

Nanti aku amik gambar phone ksygn aku n kasi ‘smart’ dulok baru mau diupload..

Tapi p’hinaan paling ndak tahan wic was y’day since abg aku ama kakak aku tlg belikan hp nokia utk maid dorg..

Then they said ‘adik, hp kak suri (nama maid) lagi canggih compared to phone adik..hehehe”

Apalagi, berasap telinga member..siap kuar kepulan2 asap dari hidung..

Tapi aku sengih2 jer..

Ala bukan tanak tukar but as long as the phone meet it purpose 4 calling and text msg ok ahJ (ayat org yg kempunan nokia N97 mini)..

Kan kannn kannnnJ

Ok la aku pown dah blur nak taip apa benda n aku akan smbg bila ada benda lain yg terlintas di kotak fikiran aku.

Ngehehe.. apapown adios!~